111 Wacker construction complete by September
Text and photos by Steven Dahlman
(Left) Looking northeast from the Terrace Lounge at OneEleven. Marina City is in the distance at left.
23-Jul-14 – With most, but not all, of the building certified for occupancy, about 100 people have now moved into OneEleven, the 60-story luxury apartment tower built on the ruins of a failed hotel/condominium project. Apartments and common areas are finished only to the 34th floor but Related Midwest, the building’s owner, says the tower will be “fully complete” by September 1.
Leasing started in April and about one-third of 504 apartments have now been claimed.
Designed by Handel Architects, the glass curtain wall tower at West Wacker Drive & North Clark Street blended its design with the old Waterview Tower layout, putting common “club” areas on the taller floors and taking advantage of a thicker base that was intended to support a 92-story structure. A two-lane swimming pool that came with the building, for example, will be used for exactly that at OneEleven.
The property will offer some retail space but that has not yet been leased.
(Right) The lobby of OneEleven, photographed from its west end. Visitors to the building, for now, enter through a door further west on Wacker Drive, as the main entrance at left is not yet open. Kara Mann designed this lobby, along with some amenity spaces and six decorated model residences.