‘Accident, 501 North Wabash’ 21-Feb-13 – The Chicago Fire scene that was filmed on State Street on February 5 has not yet aired but this is a frame from a scene filmed on nearby Dearborn Street last August. (Click on image to view larger version.) In the three-minute scene shot on August 9, a computer-generated scaffold falls from 353 North Clark onto a car parked on Dearborn. Two women are inside the car – one is ok, the other not so ok. With debris still raining onto Dearborn, firefighters race to saw open the car door and rescue the driver, Julie, who is wedged into her seat. Traffic on Dearborn was reduced to one lane from early morning to late afternoon and stopped altogether during actual filming. Two cars on the west side of Dearborn were made up to look like victims of falling window-washing gear. The episode, Mon Amour, which originally aired on October 17, 2012, can be viewed on Hulu.com.