5-Oct-16 – Early Voting will again be offered in River North starting on October 24 but it is available now in the Loop. Voting before the November 8 General Election is offered at 69 West Washington Street (lower level) through Sunday, October 9, then 15 West Washington Street, October 10-23. Both locations are open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Saturday, and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday. Alternately, you may vote at Museum of Broadcast Communications, 360 North State Street, October 24 through November 7. The same hours will apply until October 31, then change as follows
You may use any Early Voting site in the city, regardless of where you live and you do not need a reason to Early Vote. Ballots cast in Early Voting are final. A government-issued photo ID is not required but may be helpful if there is a question about registration, address, or signature. According to Chicago Board of Elections, you may register to vote at any Early Voting site. If this is your first time or you have moved or changed your name, you must present two forms of ID, one of which must show your current address.