(Above) The crew of the Draken Harald Hårfagre scrambles to lower its 853-square-foot sail and arrive at Navy Pier powered by oars and muscle during the opening of the Tall Ships Festival on July 27.
Of more than 300 published, Loop North’s ten most-viewed news stories of 2016.
27-Dec-16 – Bow to stern coverage of a Viking ship’s journey from Norway to Chicago, including its perilous navigation through Coast Guard regulations, earned Loop North a large, arguably global following. One story in particular, that compliance with regulations was going to cost the Draken Harald Hårfagre $400,000, was this news website’s most viewed of 2016. Stories that found their biggest audiences included reports on the Chicago Cubs in the World Series, the project to light up Wabash Avenue in the Loop, seemingly out-of-control homeowner associations, Joseph Kromelis a/k/a “Walking Dude,” and our saddest story of this or any year, the death of Marques Gaines outside a convenience store in River North. Loop North News has published 331 stories this year, which collectively have been viewed more than 165,000 times. These are the ten most-viewed stories of 2016 |