Howard Stern to be dragged kicking and screaming to Radio Hall of Fame
The funny part is, Stern is an outspoken critic of the awards. In 2010, he is widely quoted as saying, “There is no Radio Hall of Fame. It’s just a guy in his basement giving out awards.” Stern is one of six radio personalities and one radio program selected by a 23-member committee. Inductees include Cincinnati broadcaster Gary Burbank, Art Laboe, who coined the phrase “oldies but goodies,” Dallas icon Ron Chapman, 90-year-old Luther Masingill, on the air for more than 70 years in Chattanooga, and Jack Cooper, who was radio’s first African-American disc jockey. The National Public Radio program Fresh Air with Terry Gross was also selected. The announcements were made on Friday. Stern has been nominated for the Hall of Fame four times. He has said he would decline any offer to join. The induction broadcast is scheduled for November 10 at the Museum of Broadcast Communications at 360 North State Street. |