State Street Bridge to close again for Riverwalk work 12-Aug-14 – So that three remaining caissons can be installed underneath, the State Street Bridge will close for ten days, starting on Wednesday morning. The bridge will be raised on Wednesday at 6 a.m. and will remain open until the afternoon of August 23. Caissons are long tubes filled with concrete that will anchor the Riverwalk to the riverbed. When the State Street Bridge was last closed to traffic in July to install caissons, it re-opened four days ahead of schedule. The Chicago Department of Transportation declined to comment on why the work finished early. CDOT did, however, quantify how much concrete was poured in late July and early August in what it said was the project’s largest concrete pour so far. 700 cubic yards of concrete were poured between Dearborn Street and LaSalle Street. That much concrete would fill a 2,360 square foot house, assuming eight-foot ceilings. Between Clark and LaSalle Streets this week, CDOT will continue pumping out water, back-filling the space with crushed stone, building wooden forms, and then pouring more concrete into the forms. Construction equipment starts up at 6:30 every morning except Sunday. Work hours are 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday.