Burst pipe at Leo contained dust, nothing horrific (Above) A frame from a video that shows brown liquid raining from an office ceiling. (Click on image to view larger version.) 7-Jan-14 – A burst pipe in an office is bad enough but a miscommunication on Tuesday had many social media users convinced the brown liquid raining from a ceiling at the Leo Burnett Building was something much, much worse. A 31-second video, uploaded to Instagram supposedly by an art director at Arc Worldwide, an advertising agency located on the 15th floor, shows the liquid pooling on an office floor near cubicles. The caption that accompanied the video referred to a “poo eruption,” which some people interpreted literally. A spokesperson for Leo Burnett denied the office rainstorm contained human waste. “While we appreciate the creativity here,” tweeted Burnett at 3:17 p.m., referring to published media reports, “and it’s indeed unpleasant, rest assured that it’s only dust and water.” The video appeared on YouTube after it disappeared from Instagram.