What’s on our mind? Most common words on MCO 2-Jul-09 – The 20 most common words used on Marina City Online, according to Google
MCO, meanwhile, has analyzed all of the comments in April, May, and June on the Marina City resident blog, Marina Watch Dog Sound Off. These are the 20 most popular nouns
“kcg” and “phl” are initials used by two popular bloggers, “fox” refers to Fox News, and “blogmeister” is the nickname of the blog’s editor, Mark Ulaszek. Honorable mentions from the next 12 words include “west” (appearing more often than “east”), “owners,” “renters,” and “donna.” How this was done: Comments from the blog were copied and pasted into a text file. A Perl script was developed to open the file, isolate each word, create a list of unique words, and then count the number of times each word appears in the text. From the most popular words, nouns were then picked out manually. |