Marina City homes on display in Beantown 10-Apr-12 – The project that turned condo units at Marina City into works of art is now on display at a gallery in Boston. Inside Marina City opened at pinkcomma gallery near the city’s South End neighborhood last Thursday. The exhibit features large photographs of Marina City residents and residences. Architect Iker Gil, who lives at Marina City, and photographer Andreas Larsson have been working on the project since June 2009. Over four months between last September and January, the photos were displayed at The Art Institute of Chicago, next door to a major exhibit on the life’s work of architect Bertrand Goldberg. The institute estimates 102,000 people walked through Bertrand Goldberg: Architecture of Invention. No end date was given for the Boston exhibit. Founded in 2007, pinkcomma gallery, says its web site, “showcases Boston’s new architectural underground.” Photos by Mark Pasnik, co-director of pinkcomma gallery. Click on images to view larger versions.