Chicago School grant will help disadvantaged psychology students become doctors
By Steven Dahlman
(Left) Chicago School building next to Merchandise Mart.
11-Aug-16 – A $1.8 million grant from the federal government to The Chicago School of Professional Psychology will help disadvantaged students enroll at the school’s campus along the Chicago River.
The grant, announced on Monday, will fund scholarships of up to $30,000 for 60 full-time students – from economically or environmentally disadvantaged backgrounds – in the non-profit school’s Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program.
Spread over four academic years, the money comes from the Health Resources and Services Administration, part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
The school has one of the top clinical psychology program in the nation, according Dr. Tiffany Masson (right), the new dean of the Chicago campus. “The Chicago School’s mission has always been one of service to the community and we attract, educate, and train students who want to give back to underserved communities.” |
Masson has been with The Chicago School since 2007 and was interim dean of the Chicago campus for more than a year. She co-developed a program in Rwanda that helped teachers help children traumatized by the 1994 genocide.