222 W Merchandise Mart Plz
Photo: Pritzker, Tullman chat fireside 23-Jun-16 – (Above) J.B. Pritzker (left), venture capitalist, philanthropist, and the 161st wealthiest American, chats with 1871 CEO Howard Tullman, who is no slouch himself, at Merchandise Mart on Monday. The two discussed, recalls Tullman, “a wide range of topics while trying to stay as far away from politics as possible.” Tullman called it a “fireside chat,” covering the importance of business introductions, making sure your business fills a market need, and listening. “Investors want to be wanted, needed, and heard and they want to feel that their input, guidance, and assistance will be invited, appreciated, and even listened to from time to time. They’re looking for a long-term partner, not a game show contestant or the best college debater.” (Photo obtained from 1871. Click on image to view larger version.) |