Resolution R2017-81
Whereas, Dick’s Last Resort hosts an annual holiday party in partnership with the 18th District Community Policing office which benefits underprivileged children;
Whereas, the first party was held in December 1990; and
Whereas, Kathy Posner collaborated with then Commander of the 18th Police District, Ettore Devito, to invite children from Cabrini Green to create an event to benefit area children who would not otherwise have much of a holiday celebration; and
Whereas, event creator, Kathy Posner has coordinated the annual holiday party every year for 26 years with Dick’s manager Paul Grieshaber; and
Whereas, about 1,800 children have attended the party since its inception; and
Whereas, the 18th District Police Commander Paul Bauer and officers of the 18th District attended the event; and
Whereas, each year the 18th District Community Policing office invites approximately 60 children from area schools and churches; and
Whereas, those children are identified a month before the party so that Dick’s manager, Paul Grieshaber, can shop for gifts for each individual child; and
Whereas, Dick’s owner, Steve Schiff has spent more than $75,000 for the gifts during the past 26 years; and
Whereas, Dick’s provides a full buffet holiday dinner for the children and their chaperones; and
Whereas, each child is called by name at the party to come to the stage and receive their special gifts from Santa; and
Whereas, students from VanderCook College of Music have performed carols at the event for the last ten years; and
Whereas, Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White, who has attended the party for the last 15 years, speaks to the children about the importance of staying in school and not getting involved in gangs, now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to Kathy Posner, Steve Schiff and the staff of Dick’s Last Resort.