Bill, Chelsea Clinton to appear at HOB 17-May-12 – Former president Bill Clinton and his daughter, Chelsea, will appear at a fundraiser next month at Marina City’s House of Blues. The June 7 event is being organized by Clinton’s Millennium Network, which works to fight climate change, HIV/AIDS, and childhood obesity, among other causes. In 2009, about 450 people attended a Clinton fundraiser at HOB, raising an estimated $150,000 to $300,000. Chelsea Clinton, now 32 years old, is a co-chairperson for fundraising at the Clinton Foundation. She was hired last year for a three-month contract with NBC as a television news correspondent. Also appearing at HOB will be Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, actor Jesse Williams, who plays Dr. Jackson Avery on the ABC series Grey’s Anatomy, and singer Ben Harper. General admission tickets start at $150 and include an open bar. (Above) Former president Bill Clinton, his daughter, Chelsea, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanual, actor Jesse Williams, and singer Ben Harper.