401 N Michigan Ave
Riverfront closed for Apple construction 17-May-16 – (Above) The riverfront south of Pioneer Court is closed for construction of an Apple retail store. Zeller Realty Group, owner of the Magnificent Mile property, closed the area on May 9. The curved concrete stairs, seen here on Sunday, will be replaced with new stairs that lead from a 14-foot-high glass enclosed entrance on the plaza of 401 North Michigan Avenue down to a 20,000 square foot concourse along the Chicago River, an area that is currently a vacant food court. The 91-foot-long x 71-foot-wide Apple store will have walls that rise 42 feet above an expanded walkway along the north bank. The roof will be 20 feet above Pioneer Court. It is the vision of Foster + Partners, an architectural and design firm based in London. Access to 401 North Michigan Avenue, the office tower in distance at right, is not affected, only access from Michigan Avenue down to the river. Shoreline Sightseeing will continue to dock east of this area. Bicycle parking was relocated to the east side of 401 North Michigan Avenue. (Below) Imagined view of the new Apple store. (Click on images to view larger versions.)